Our Technology

Protein structured activators (such as oscilin) are released from the sperm cell which enters the oocyte and provides calcium oscillation. It also activates the oocyte and forms the pronucleus which is the evidence of fertilization. Sperm injection (ICSI) into the oocyte has made a great contribution in the treatment of male factor-induced infertility. However, in some cases even ICSI cannot provide fertilization. Sperm cells with morphological abnormalities or immature forms also further contribute to this fertilization failure. Research has revealed that the fertilization problem in these cases may be caused by insufficient release of the said factors from the sperm cell due to inadequate calcium stimulation (Swann K, 1996).

The electromagnetic field created by applying electric current increases the number of pores and calcium conductivity in the cell membrane by enabling the movement of proteins. This situation increases the calcium concentration in the cell (Mansour R, 2009). This high concentration of calcium triggers oocyte fertilization. Fertilization and pregnancies have been reported especially in cases of unspecified fertilization failure cases or in cases with spermatogenic disorders (structural disorders such as globozoospermia) (Egashira A., 2009, Baltaci V., 2014, Baltaci V., 2010, Tanaka A ., 20018, Zhang J., 1999). In another important study, it was reported that pregnancies were achieved by Round Spermatid Intracytoplasmic Injection (ROSI) following treatment of the oocyte with piezoelectric stimulation (Tanaka A., 2015).

Piezoelectric applications are becoming more and more common in infertility treatments. It is an important weapon in eliminating fertilization problems caused by different reasons, especially male factor.

Reproductive biotechnology is an area where new and innovative methods are introduced and developed rapidly. ZEUS Bioscience is determined to bring the new developments and produce services in line with scientific and ethical principles in this field.



  • Mansour, R., Fahmy, I., Tawab, N. A., Kamal, A., El-Demery, Y., Aboulghar, M., & Serour, G. (2009). Electrical activation of oocytes after intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a controlled randomized study. Fertility and sterility, 91(1), 133-139.
  • Egashira, A., Murakami, M., Haigo, K., Horiuchi, T., & Kuramoto, T. (2009). A successful pregnancy and live birth after intracytoplasmic sperm injection with globozoospermic sperm and electrical oocyte activation. Fertility and sterility, 92(6), 2037-e5.
  • Tanaka, A., Nagayoshi, M., Takemoto, Y., Tanaka, I., Kusunoki, H., Watanabe, S., ... & Yanagimachi, R. (2015). Fourteen babies born after round spermatid injection into human oocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(47), 14629-14634.
  • Baltaci, V., Ayvaz, Ö. Ü., Ünsal, E., Aktaş, Y., Baltacı, A., Turhan, F., ... & Sönmezer, M. (2010). The effectiveness of intracytoplasmic sperm injection combined with piezoelectric stimulation in infertile couples with total fertilization failure. Fertility and sterility, 94(3), 900-904.
  • Zhang, J., Wang, C. W., Blaszcyzk, A., Grifo, J. A., Ozil, J., Haberman, E., ... & Krey, L. C. (1999). Electrical activation and in vitro development of human oocytes that fail to fertilize after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertility and sterility, 72(3), 509-512.
  • Yanagida, K., Katayose, H., Yazawa, H., Kimura, Y., Sato, A., Yanagimachi, H., & Yanagimachi, R. (1999). Successful fertilization and pregnancy following ICSI and electrical oocyte activation. Human reproduction, 14(5), 1307-1311.
  • Swann, K. (1996). Soluble sperm factors and Ca2+ release in eggs at fertilization. Reviews of Reproduction, 1(1), 33-39.
  • Baltaci, V., Aktas, Y., Unsal, E., Ayvaz, O. U., & Eryilmaz, F. T. (2014). The Effect of Piezoelectric Stimulation in Patients with Low Fertilization Potential. Human Genet Embryol, 4(122), 2161-0436.